"The sacred wisdom it offers lays out a plain and simple message: clarity in purpose brings peace and power." This. What if our purpose is simply to awaken to being present in this life and to be open to learn and experience what it means to be human in all the various ways opportunities present themselves to each of us on our own unique journey? Can that be enough? In this new chapter of my life, I am embracing aimlessness...not in the spirit of doing nothing, but in the spirit of not putting something in front of me to chase or to achieve and allowing myself to embrace my human being-ness and not human doing-ness. Thank you for this thought-provoking article...feels very aligned with the draft that I am working on about purpose in life 🙏🪷 A deep bow and a lotus for you.

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Yes 🙌 for aimlessness. And random experiences. Like you, that’s my jam.

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