Those groundless moments are precious indeed!

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Be honest with me, you wrote this just for me today, right? Synchronistic timing. This is an essay that goes into my saved archived. Thank you Diamond Michael, everything about this I needed to hear today.

For the record, I’ve had the breath literally knocked out of me, twice, both by helmets to the solar plexus during HS football games. That feeling is so unique and terrifying—nothing you do helps to “catch your breath.” Ironically, only a calming relaxing into the moment, controlled not by one’s will but by one’s nature (Tao!), allowed the breath to return. Then, partner those feelings with the recent death of a pet dog, that was unexpected and sudden, much like those helmet tackles, and the feeling definitely is metaphorically, if not also physically, the same. I am so grateful for the way you framed everything through the Taoist lens.

You have helped me today. 🙏🏼

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