Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Diamond-Michael Scott

This is a beautiful message for the day. It reminds me of a phrase my husband and I often say to each other: "You have to say no to get to yes." That "yes" - to us at least - is in the big Yes in the Joycean sense, not in the "close a deal" sense. Letting things go opens space for calm, attention, and new possibilities.

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Love this. Thanks for sharing 🙏🙏

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Sep 22Liked by Diamond-Michael Scott

I'm reminded of the classic doctor's advice: If you can only choose one thing to improve your health, is it better to start exercises or stop smoking? Obviously, both are great, but removing the negative (smoking) will yield faster and more pronounced benefits for nearly all people.

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Your words are so apropos for me at the moment as I execute my own “addition by subtraction” strategic moves.

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