Jun 13Liked by Diamond-Michael Scott

It's a challenge not to become demoralized and frustrated right now. SCOTUS is such a mess. Canon in Florida is doing everything to stop Smith's prosecution of Dump for stealing classified documents. I needed to read this. Thank you, Diamond-Michael. I'm enduring one of the worst migraines I've ever had this week and haven't been able to do hot yoga. I see my acupuncturist tomorrow. Hopefully her magic needles will not only help my migraine and its postdrome but help my mind and body balance again.

I finished watching Joe Berlinger's NETFLIX documentary HITLER AND THE NAZIS: EVIL ON TRIAL yesterday. I rewatched THE KILLING FIELDS when it hit Netflex and watched HOTEL RAWANDA years ago. My mind keeps reflecting on these films these days.

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I'm curious to know how you became a Taoist. I've known about it since middle school, and other philosophies, but was more interested in Buddhism. After college though I rediscovered Stoicism and now call myself a stoic.

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I have an article which will go live on Sunday that answers that very question.

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HA! I am actually covering that theme on Sunday in my Chocolate Taoist newsletter. So stay tuned.

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Stay the course Laura. Sending you good vibes and healthy thoughts today. Be encouraged my friend

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I do think that some of the principles you outlined provide the right ideas to prevent authoritarians if enough people practice them, however when faced with the authoritarian people did have to rise up and overthrow Zhou. I would then advise that one must be aware of when you should act and how.

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I agree which is why I love Stoicism so much. Summum Bonum is something I repeat when I'm overwhelmed and angry with the world. It helps cool down my anger so I can focus on educating myself and others.

It's been awhile since I looked into taoism, though. I've noticed by reading this that there are a lot of overlaps. I'm so happy to have stumbled upon this blog!

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I, too, am a fan of Stoicism and have been following Ryan Holliday’s books on that theme for years. Have you read any of his work?

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I haven't actually read his books yet but I do watch his YouTube videos and read his newsletter

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