Lovely as always

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Hi Lewis. Great to hear from you. Thanks so much!

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I learn much here.

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Fascinating how our lives are being sorted out subconsciously. Our culture does its best to keep us unconscious and distracted from wisdom. Facing ourselves honestly, humbly and openly is the way. Thanks for your words.

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It’s a beautiful thing Todd. Have a great week.

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The header image is a montage I dared not examine too closely. Did you request from the AI a specfic year/model/color for the nostalgic car?

It is maybe just my own recent experience that prompts a suggestion, and I will endeavor not to try your patience too much. As I wrote a comment on another newsletter today I discovered that I could not at once recall the term "vicarious" since I wished to refer to an experience second-hand. I had to journey mentally a bit, including to a memory of my own father, from whom I came to know the word. I was relieved that I didn't have to ask some LLM for its assistance. But might the robbery you fear be that of memory? I see many corroborating elements in your description of the dream. But, on second thought, maybe it is all projection on my part. Yes, that is likely what it is. I am reading your dream as if it was my nightmare. Thank you, doctor, for this virtual therapy.

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