Sep 21Liked by Diamond-Michael Scott

The first thought that popped in my head was “the unclarity is the point” (of the journey)....but when I was sick last week I can’t say I appreciated not knowing how long the viscous sore throat would last. As always, easier to recognize the teaching than practicing when the shit hits the fan.

Extending to your comments on the I Ching, another thought that came to mind is “should the goal of divination is be better finding questions”. As an architect, I prefer the pretty pictures of the tarot, but I bristle at interpretation schemes that result in easy answers. I’m certain that’s because my first (self taught) serious entry into the practice was through. With the changing lines, I love how each I Ching reading is always a process from one state moving into another.

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Uncertainty is such a Rubik’s Cube. So yea, I get your point about the vicious sore throat, particularly if all of the sides of the cube are not living up.

In terms of the I Ching, yes, yes, and YES, I see it as ultimately about asking great questions, the process of deep inquiry. You are so right, there is more beauty in the sacred excursion than immediate answers.

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