Sep 11Liked by Diamond-Michael Scott

wow, this deeply talks to me!!! Such a synchronicity! I am just on my way to start writing about it. It's been more than ten years, but I recently realized how much I am still deeply wounded by this past relationship. In the aftermath, I chose to punish myself. I was so ashamed and mad at me. I could not find the teachings and I was so dead inside. We were doing our phd together. Our relationship was hidden. He was 20 years older than me, and I didn't know that at all. He looked so much younger. He was harassing me and I stayed silent, because he was liked by everyone, perceived as a really nice guy, a protector of women. For years, I could not even hear my voice in my head, I was just hearing his voice. That was so hard. The worse is that I think I really fell in love him, and I hated myself for that. For a long time, I was at war with myself and my body to not go back to him. And I lost trust in myself because of that. This year, he has started coming back to me. It's crazy each time he sent a message I was in a very low mood. It feels like he has a radar. I never answered, and I have no intention to do it. I just want to free myself from him, from the guilt and shame I carried since that relationship.

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My experience felt similarly destructive which is why writing this piece was very cathartic. In a very odd twist, I discovered that she had been a free subscriber to my “Great Books, Great Minds” Substack since 2020.

And get this, the backend dashboard showed that she had opened up 100% of my over 600 articles. Despite knowing this, it wasn’t until a mere four months ago that I blocked and removed her and even felt a bit sad about doing so.

With respect to your point about your relationship partner having a radar, OMG.

She was a very empathic energy healer who could literally channel many of the thoughts that I had over the course of a day while I was away with extreme accuracy.

Lise, if you’re open to it, let’s discuss via DM. I wrote this article so that others who may be experiencing this don’t feel alone.

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Yes, for the discussion, I think that could help. Thank you for sharing this piece. I am yearning to write mine now

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Yes, let’s. It’s arguably the most vulnerable piece I’ve ever written. And to think of how fearful and even a bit embarrassed I was to share this. I’ll DM you later today.

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I completely understand.

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