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Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this story 🐉 A good reminder that I need to brush up on my Taoist texts.

Once, I was in a shamanic journey, where I found a pool of clear water in the forest. I dove in, and at the bottom I found a Golden Egg.

I knew it was mine.

I grabbed it, feeling its warmth, and resurfaced, to find my spirit guide, a Golden Dragon waiting for me at the top of the waterfall.

The Dragon told me:

You are the Egg AND the Dragon, because your essence is not bound by time. In any moment, you can choose which to be: the nourished and protected Egg or the wise and powerful Dragon.

I asked: What does it mean to be a Dragon?

The Dragon said:

To be a Dragon is to have the powers of any and all forms. The greatest strengths of any animal. Every shape is available to you whenever you call upon them.

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