Thank you for this. It’s like I have a whole group of writer friends who think and feel the same way I do, personally prefer the approach of letting the water flow where it wills, and where it finds the path of least resistance, rather than by force. I also believe that people of over-power lose their oomph when faced with complete indifference.

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Appreciate you Teri. 🙏

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Great post! There is a lot to be learned from Rand. Unfortunately, her philosophy and those who follow and/or use it are not necessarily in synch--a lot like the major religions. That fact tends to make people look at things from a binary, political perspective and in so doing they miss a lot that is crucial and beneficial, especially these days as you so eloquently point out.

Lao Tzu was an anarchist. He challenged everything, including the state. There are so, so many political lessons to be gleaned from him. I don't know that Thoreau was influenced by Lao Tzu, but their philosophies are very similar: a focus on nature, simplicity, and speaking Truth to power. Here is what is interesting: Even if Thoreau wasn't directly influenced by Taoism, he was influenced by Eastern philosophies including of course the Gospels. Jesus is a great example of non-violent resistance, who influenced Thoreau; Thoreau was a major influence on Ghandhi, who of course laid the template for modern non-violent resistance and was a major influence on Martin Luther King Jr. All of this thought is woven in and out of the Perennial Philosophy, but it comes together in what the Taoist call Wu Wei. Even Rand, the atheistic materialist, directed her protagonists to lay low and peacefully bide their time, staying true to who they really are rather than who the Collective demand they be. By not conceding they never lost their true selves, regardless. She can call it what she wants, but that is Wu Wei. My main point is we have plenty of examples for how to proceed, and we should consider them all.

Some folks mistakenly see Wu Wei as 'doing nothing', while that's not quite true. Your essay above is a great explication of Wu Wei. In the end, it's counterintuitive, patient, and peaceful despite the storms whirling around. Thanks for keeping these ideas prominent and out here.


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WOW! So beautifully articulated Rodney. Deeply pondered what you had to say and even took at few notes in my journal.

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Enjoyed this deeply, as ypu move between thoughts swiftly.. clearly.. bringing about some solid conclusions... thank you!

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Glad you found it valuable. 🙏

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"What Rand’s rigid philosophy fails to recognize, but what Taoism teaches, is that control is an illusion."

I am no expert regarding Rand's Objectivist philosophy, and I have heard the stories about her sometimes difficult personality. However, based on reading her fictional works and listening to people who knew her well, I believe she did understand that control can be an illusion. It depends on context and how the word is used.

Of her three best-known novels–We the Living, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged–I think We the Living is the best, from a literary point of view and as providing a cautionary tale regarding totalitarianism. She is less heavy-handed, in my opinion. Every time I read it I am emotionally engaged in a way that I am not with the other two books.

Okay, full disclosure, I am from a family of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe who fled the Czar's draft, the pogroms, and the various military actions before WWI. And although propaganda from the Soviet Union enticed many immigrants to return to the Motherland to flee the hard life of urban poverty in the US, my family did not buy into the promises. Those who did were never heard from again.

Thanks for reminding folks of this lesser-known novel.

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